
Florida Probate Litigation Lawyer Blog


Abatement of Devises in a Will to Satisfy Claims Against an Estate in Florida

In a perfect world, a testator’s estate will have enough funds to not only cover all of the bequests provided for in the testator’s will, but also pay for the costs of administering the estate, debts, and other unexpected expenses like elective or pretermission shares. Much of the time, however,…


“Miss Me?” – Can the Estate of a Missing Person be Probated under Florida law?

In our modern society, individuals disappear or go missing in increasing numbers. What happens to the Estate these missing persons leave behind when they or their bodies are never found and there is no death certificate or confirmation that these individuals are truly gone? For instance, if boating enthusiast Dan…


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Referencing Separate Writings Containing Tangible Personal Property in a Will in Florida

Pauline, a lifelong resident of Broward County, Florida, has finally decided to consult with an attorney about drafting a will. Included among the property she wishes to devise is her house, stocks, bonds, her car, savings accounts, and personal property contained inside her home. An avid collector of antique vases…

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