
Florida Probate Litigation Lawyer Blog


Planning for a Loved One with a Disability: Special Needs Trusts

A special-needs trust, also known as a supplemental-needs trust or a disability trust, is a trust established for an individual with a disability who qualifies for government benefits from that disability, in order to provide income supplemental to the government benefits without rendering the individual ineligible for the benefits. Special-needs…


How the New Investment Income Surtax Affects Estates and Trusts

In order to finance the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Congress has imposed a new 3.8% surtax on certain passive income starting in 2013. Typically, passive income includes interest, dividends, rents, royalties, capital gains, and other payments in which the investor does not actively participate in management. The surtax…


Deathbed Marriages

It is well known that many wealthy individuals come to sunny Florida to retire. Unfortunately, Florida also has its fair share of people looking to take advantage of Florida’s wealthy, elderly population. For example, it is not uncommon for a younger man or woman to marry a high net worth…

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