The creation and execution of a Last Will and Testament is often a formal, thorough process. The creation of a Will is best done with the advice and assistance of a lawyer, and the execution of a Will is also best done in the presence of that lawyer as well…
Articles Posted in Witnesses to a Will
Establishing a Lost or Destroyed Will
As with any other physical object, wills may be subject to being inadvertently destroyed or lost. Either scenario may cause a variety of issues for the nominated personal representative and beneficiaries of the decedent. Even when taking steps to safeguard the original of a last will and testament, such as…
Your legal responsibilities as a named personal representative in estate planning documents
Est. of Pounds v. Miller & Jacobs, P.A., No. 4D21-1362, 2022 WL 39211 (Fla. 4th DCA 2022). If a will does not specify who should serve as personal representative of an estate, parties can fight over this position through litigation. But what happens if one person obtains a settlement on…
Do It Yourself Wills in Florida – be very cautious
DIY Estate Planning: Can I Make a Will Myself? While a steady drive towards technology has been growing for decades, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic tremendously increased our reliance on technology, effectively changing the the way we do nearly everything, including estate planning. Do-It-Yourself (DIY) online services offering legal…
Handwritten Wills and the Importance of Witnesses – What you need to know because it is complicated
Larry King’s Handwritten Will Ordeal The recent passing of the broadcasting legend, Larry King, has resulted in his family not only mourning him but also fighting amongst themselves over his true last wishes. Larry, together with his wife, Shawn Southwick King, had executed estate planning documents in 2015, where he…