The law provides remedies for the potential beneficiaries of a decedent who has his or her last wishes interfered with prior to death. However, proving a case, even where liability is clear, can be troublesome for a lawyer unfamiliar with probate law. Under Florida law, a prima facie case for…
Articles Posted in Will Contests
What if a family member passes and we can’t find the will?
Sometimes a situation might arise where a person who has a will dies and then the will cannot be found. What would happen? What steps should you take to avoid this unfortunate situation? The first important step a person can take to prevent this problem is finding an experienced attorney…
Florida’s Simultaneous Death Law
In our society, it is common for spouses, family members, or close friends to travel together for various purposes. As such, whether travelling by automobile through Miami, by plane over Fort Lauderdale, by train through Boca Raton, or even by boat along the coast of West Palm Beach, there is,…
Abatement of Devises in a Will to Satisfy Claims Against an Estate in Florida
In a perfect world, a testator’s estate will have enough funds to not only cover all of the bequests provided for in the testator’s will, but also pay for the costs of administering the estate, debts, and other unexpected expenses like elective or pretermission shares. Much of the time, however,…
Beneficiaries’ Rights to see Contents of a Will
As a named beneficiary in a Florida will, you have a right to a see a copy of the document. In addition, you have a right to know about all the assets and distributions resulting from the probate of the document. This right is enforceable even if you are only…
Revocation of Wills Under the Florida Probate Code
Even the most carefully crafted wills may someday need to be altered or revoked entirely in order to adapt to the changes in one’s life. There are three mechanisms provided by the Florida Probate Code that revoke a will: (1) by written instrument, (2) by physical act, or (3) by…
Can a Child be Disinherited from a Will in Florida?
This article contrasts the laws regarding disinheritance of a child in a Florida will with our earlier article regarding disinheritance of a spouse. Florida law has some of the strongest legal protections for minor children who are left out of a will. While a Florida resident is entitled to disinherit…
Do you know of a will in South Florida that is being administered and want to object to the validity of that will, someone’s appointment as personal representative or the jurisdiction of the probate court? If so, then you must move quickly to object on these issues. The Florida Statutes…
Is a no-contest clause in a will enforceable in Florida?
A “no-contest” clause in a will is a provision typically used to scare off potential legal challenges by potential beneficiaries who feel they have not received their proper share of an estate. The provision often contains langauge similar to “anyone who challenges this will, shall forfeit any inheritance they may…
Methods to Attack a Will
Have you been wrongfully denied your share in a will? If so, you may want to contest the validity of that will so that you may obtain your perceived share of the decedent’s estate. A will can be challenged in a Florida probate proceeding on a number of grounds. Fraud…